This chapter describes the functionalities of Customer Integration Service, which provides the environment for integration of the Integration Casino gaming system into the Customer system.
The service is available over the following protocols:
The options are functionally equal, Customers choose whichever suits their technological stack better.
SOAP Customer Integration Service
Integration Service provides the environment for integration of the Integration Casino gaming system into the Customer system. Integration Service is implemented as a SOAP 1.1 service.
To obtain the WSDL specification, call the open web service URL with ?singlewsdl as a query string, e.g. https://{server}/services/gms/CustomerIntegrationService.svc?singlewsdl.
REST JSON Customer Integration Service
REST JSON Customer Integration Service is a web service implemented by the Integration Casino system. It is accessed over HTTP with JSON data content.
All resources only support HTTP POST verbs. Data is supposed to be stored in request payload, parameters directly in the URI query string are not supported.
Paths to individual Service resources listed below are relative to the base path where the Service is hosted. For example, if the base path is and the resource to be accessed is GetBalance, then the request has to be made to
HATEOAS is not provided, however, Customers are encouraged to base their implementation on the WADL definition.
As for authentication, each request contains a cryptographic hash (parameter sign) calculated from the data to be transmitted.
The only expected HTTP Status Code is 200 (OK). Business logic related errors are communicated directly in response to JSON data content.
Note: For the sake of brevity, HTTP response headers in the following examples have been omitted.
Integration Service provides the following operations:
- Identity Management:
- Basic Wallet Integration:
- Game Modules Management:
- Free Games Bonus (FGB) management:
- Ping
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