Free Games Bonus (FGB) or sometimes it is called Free Rounds Bonus is possible to create manually or via API Calls.
In case, you didn't implement the API calls or for any reason you want to do it manually, you can do it via backoffice. After you will login, click on the "Free Games" in the left-hand menu.
FGB Wizard - Create campaign (1/4)
- Campaign name - Type in campaign name
- Customer - Pre-selected your customers (under which you are logged in)
- Campaign duration - select datetime from/to, Time zone is set to UTC (GMT+0)
Click NEXT
FGB Wizard - Select Game, number of games and coin size (2/4)
- Game - choose the games for FGB. Only one game per campaign is allowed
- Games per player - select amount of games per player in the campaign
- Euro coin size - select coin size in Eur currency - this will preselect coin sizes based on the ex. rates for all available currencies. Note - this will NOT enable any currency, rather prepare all currencies to be enabled with most accurate coin size.
- Enabled currencies - now you can select one or more currencies (or all) that will be enabled for this particular campaign. Please keep in mind that if there is more than one page of currencies (e.g. when you have "Items per page 15") then "Select all" currencies will select only currencies from the first page. Best practice is to set "Items per page to 200" and select requested currencies then.
Another important note is that some games have more then one bet line. E.g. Book of Spells slot game have 9 different bet lines, if you will select coin size 0.5 then the total bet will be 0.5*9=4.5 Eur per game. Important is to check is column Total Bet Value to understand the bet value in one game. Total bonus is then Total Bet Value * Games per Player (* amount of players).
You can change the default coin size per currency by clicking on the corresponding icon.
Click NEXT
FGB Wizard - eligible players (3/4)
Select elegible players:
- All players - all players will receive the FGB during the campaign duration
- New players only - only players who never played any game in our system will get FGB and they were registered in our system AFTER the campaign started
- New to the Game - only players who never played this particular game will get FGB
- Selected players - upload CSV with comma separate playerId (in our system) to assign game for particular players
Click NEXT
FGB Wizard - Recap and confirm (4/4)
Review the campaign and hit CREATE to confirm settings.
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